Listing An Asset For Trade Or Exchange Internationally

Property Exchange Networx removes all the hard work and ‘time wasters’ when you wish to trade, exchange or sell an asset you no longer need with qualified traders internationally.
Our esteemed clients trade and exchange houses, businesses, boats, artwork and other assets locally and internationally.

Property Exchange Networx have several different fee structures and options to choose from to suit you.
These include:
Property Exchange Networx have several different fee structures and options to choose from to suit you.
These include:
Option 1: List your property on the Pay As You Go Listing Option. You receive all enquiries. We make sure the enquiries are genuine and then pass all contact details to you, whereby you can negotiate your own sale.  No Commission Payable  just a fee of AUD$30 plus GST per month
(first 3 months payable initially and then monthly)
Option 2: Join the Networx Club. We work to find you a property or asset that suits you, we negotiate a sale to suit all parties. We work with you in arranging contracts and support you through to a successful settlement of the transaction.  A commission fee is payable  of the contracted sale price and is payable upon the day of settlement.

Other key points of differences listing your asset for trade or exchange with Property Exchange Networx 
  • Your choice to trade or not- You are under no obligation to accept any trade or exchange you are offered.  You have total control of the trade process.
  • Our asset trading and exchange service and website platform is for you !- You can make as many changes to your listing as you want with no extra fees.
  • Trade successfully and profitably with support & guidance- The Property Exchange Networx team is highly experienced in all areas of trading and exchanging assets. We are here to support, guide and advise you so you have the confidence to trade profitably and easily with anyone in the world.
  • Exclusive price savings and benefits- In the event you have more than five properties listed on the Property Exchange Networx website, you will be awarded a 10% price saving for any further property listings.
  • Traders also buy with cash- In some cases, traders will prefer to pay cash for the right property or asset instead of trading or exchanging assets with you. This gives you access to qualified cash buyers on an international scale, which benefits you immensely.
  • Property Exchange Networx welcomes property agents- If you are a commercial or residential real estate agent, Property Exchange Networx is a fraction of the cost of listing your properties for sale on the traditional property website. This is because you will be exposing your property for sale to more people and qualified traders locally, nationally and internationally to generate more interest and leads from an international audience, not a local one.

30 Apr 2018, 20:13